Kick-off the weekend with cool cars taking over Main Street Gunnison with live music, delicious food and familiar faces. Re-connect with old friends, complete registration, and get excited for the fun weekend ahead.
5 PM - 8 PM
Downtown Gunnison
The main event - The Gunnison Car Show at Jorgenson Park is a mainstay. Hundreds of cars will fill the park with the famous 'W' Mountain serving as the perfect backdrop. Free to the public with live music, art show, poker run, and plenty of fun for every age.
8 AM - 3 PM
Jorgenson Park
Round out a great weekend in the Gunnison Valley with a scenic caravan cruise with fellow Car Show participants followed by a locally served breakfast and one last chance to enjoy Cool Cars & Cool Mountains.
Meet at 7:30 AM
Caravan Car Cruise
to Taylor Park